Christina Gathmann
Spoken Languages
German ·
English ·
Spanish ·
Professionnal Experience
- Head of Labour Department
- 2020 until today
University of Heidelberg
- Professor, Department of Economics
- 2011 until today
Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
- Research fellow
- 2020 until today
Institute for Employment Research (IAB) - Vorsitzende des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats des IAB
- Chair of the Academic Advisory Board
- 2021 until today
Mercator Foundation
- Academic Advisory Board of the MERCUR University Alliance
- 2020 until today
Paris School of Economics
- International Fellow, Institut Convergences Migrations
- 2020 until today
BASF Mannheim
- Consultant for the Foundation for Culture and Art (Tor 4)
- 2018 until today
Bremen Research Initiative on Early Childhood (BRISE)
- Academic Advisory Board
- 2017 until today
University of Mannheim, External Research Fellow
- Mannheim Center for European Social Research (MZES)
- 2014 until today
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technology (German Federal Ministry of the Economy and Technology)
- Academic Advisory Board
- 2013 until today
Institute for Employment Research (IAB) - Vorsitzende des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats des IAB
- Academic Advisory Board
- 2013 until today
Center for European Economic Research (ZEW)
- Research Associate
- 2009 until today
Stanford University
- Research Affiliate - Stanford Center for Poverty and Inequality
- 2009 until today
CESifo Institute
- Research Fellow
- 2007 until today
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) (Bonn, Germany)
- Research Fellow
- 2003 until today
Institute for Employment Research (IAB) - Vorsitzende des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats des IAB
- Deputy Chair of the Academic Advisory Board
- 2019 - 2020
Education & Honors
University of Chicago
- 2004 : Ph.D., Economics, University of Chicago
University of Chicago
- 2004 : M.A., Economics
Humboldt University of Berlin
- 1998 : Diploma, Economics
Humboldt University of Berlin
- 1998 : Diploma, Social Sciences (Sociology and Political Science)
- Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
- Campus Belval - Maison des Sciences Humaines | 5ème étage- 5th floor ~ 11, porte des Sciences, L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette