Diana Senanayake

  • PFS
  • Family offices
  • Third party ManCos
  • Fiduciaries


    Spoken Languages

    French ·
    English ·
    Dutch ·
    Sinhala ·


    Professionnal Experience

    • IQ-EQ
      • Managing Director, Luxembourg ; CEO, Continental Europe
      • 2022 until today
    • BNP Paribas Securities Services

      • CEO Singapore and Southeast Asia (SEA)
      • 2018 - 2022
    • RBC Investor Services

      • Managing Director, Global Client Coverage
      • 2005 - 2018
    • Arthur Andersen Luxembourg

      • Senior Manager in Financial Services
      • 1999 - 2005
    • Clearstream Banking
      • Senior Associate
      • 1996 - 1999

    Education & Honors

    INSEAD - International Directors Programme

    • International Directors Programme

    London Business School

    • Senior Executive Programme

    London School of Economics and Political Science

    • Bachelor of Honors in Management Science


  • Assistant: