Marc Lies
- Born in 30/12/1968 in Echternach (Luxembourg)
- Nationality Luxemburgish
Spoken Languages
French ·
English ·
German ·
Luxembourgish ·
Professionnal Experience
- Député (CSV)
- July 2009 until today
Commission des Comptes
- Président
- December 2013 until today
Groupe politique chrétien-social
- Membre
- July 2009 until today
- Bourgmestre
- January 2009 until today
- Membre
- 1998 until today
Commission du Logement
- Président
- January 2012 to October 2013
- Echevin
- October 2005 to January 2009
- Conseiller
- January 2000 to October 2005
- Employé