Aude Lemogne
- Born in 08/04/1975
- Nationality Luxemburgish
- Married
Spoken Languages
Luxembourgish (Native or bilingual proficiency)·
French (Native or bilingual proficiency)·
German (Native or bilingual proficiency)·
English (Professional working proficiency)·
Spanish (Elementary proficiency)·
Professionnal Experience
- Member of management
- Co-founder and director
- 2009 until today
- Independent, non-executive board Member
- September 2022 until today
ClientEarth (NGO, Trustee)
- Administrateur
- January 2021 until today
Ruffer SICAV (Ruffer Total Return International and Ruffer RPS, collective vehicles at Ruffer LLP)
- Member of board
- Présidente
- January 2021 until today
Private Equity International SA (part of Group Intesa Sanpaolo SPA)
- Member of board
- Member
- January 2020 until today
- President of the Audit Committee
- 2017 until today
- Independent Director
- January 2016 until today
EQUILIBRE (a Think Tank in order to promote and to contribute to a political, economic and social ecosystem that recognizes the advantages of diversity)
- Member of board
- Chairperson
- January 2017 to January 2020
Ruffer SICAV (Ruffer Total Return International and Ruffer RPS, collective vehicles at Ruffer LLP)
- Member of board
- Member
- January 2020 to December 2020
Non-professional associations
ILA - The Luxembourg Institute of Governance
- Certified Director
- 2019 until today
Not professionnal associations
- Board Member
- 2017 until today
- Link Management
- 50, rue des Prés, L-7333 Steinsel