François Cautaerts

  • Law firms


    Spoken Languages

    French ·
    English ·


    Professionnal Experience

    • MOLITOR Avocats à la Cour
      • Other
      • Partner
      • October 2014 until today
    • Luxembourg Bar

      • Other
      • Avocat à la Cour, member of the Luxembourg Bar
      • 1996 until today


    • Contentieux
    • Droit du travail
    • Conseil juridique
    • Contentieux civil
    • Résolution des litiges
    • Faillite
    • Debt Settlement
    • Contract Law
    • Legal Advice
    • Dispute Resolution
    • Civil Litigation
    • International Law
    • Legal Assistance
    • Employment Law
    • Litigation
    • Bankruptcy
    • Corporate Law

    Education & Honors

    University of Luxembourg

    • 1996 : Complementary Course in Luxembourg Law

    Catholic University of Louvain

    • 1995 : Master in Economic & Labour Law
