Mathilde Lattard

  • Law firms


    Spoken Languages

    English ·
    French ·


    Professionnal Experience

    • Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg
      • Partner - Corporate practice group
      • 2018 until today
      • Member of management
      • Partner
      • 2016 - 2018
    • OPF Partners

      • Member of management
      • Partner
      • September 2015 to December 2015


    • Corporate / M&A
    • Real Estate
    • Acquisition Finance
    • Securitisation
    • Private Equity & Funds


    Non-professional associations

    • Barreau de Luxembourg

      • Member
    • Barreau de Paris

      • Member
    • Luxembourg Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (LPEA)

      • Member
    • Amcham Luxembourg - American Chamber of Commerce

      • Member of the Legal Committee
      • 2015 until today

    Not professionnal associations

    • Magazine ACE - éditions Wolters Kluwer (Belgique)

      • Member of the editorial committee
      • 2015 until today

    Education & Honors

    Luxembourg School for Commerce

    • International Fiscal Law Diploma

    University of Luxembourg

    • Master’s Degree in European Litigation Law

    Université de Nancy 2

    • Master’s Degree in European Law

    Robert Schuman University, Strasbourg

    • 1998 : Master


  • Assistant: