Marie-Paule Gillen
- Nationality Luxemburgish
Spoken Languages
German ·
English ·
French ·
Professionnal Experience
- Partner, Avocat à la Cour
- January 2012 until today
- Member of management
- Chief Legal Officer and Company Secretary
- 1997 - 2012
- Other
- Head of the Legal Department
- 1988 - 1997
- Other
- Legal Counsel at Legal Department
- 1983 - 1987
- Other
- International Loans Department
- 1980 - 1983
- Droit Bancaire
- Compliance et Droit Réglementaire du Secteur Financier
- Gouvernance d'entreprise
- Gestion d'Actifs
- Fusions et Acquisitions
- Droit des Sociétés
- Marché des Capitaux
- Droit financier
- Droit Pénal Financier
- Criminalité en Col Blanc
Non-professional associations
Luxembourg Association of Banking Lawyers (ALJB)
Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA)
- Member
Cercle Munster
- Member of the Board of Directors
Association Luxembourgeoise des Compliance Officers (ALCO)
- Member associate
Association européenne de droit bancaire et financier (AEDBF)
- Chairman