Paperjam Club: What are the key factors for ensuring sustainable growth in the sector?
: The key lies in finding the right balance between the growth objective one sets (which is often short-term oriented) and the investments required for the long term. The adoption of new technologies is essential in this regard, but it requires a strategic and holistic approach, rethinking the value chain and business models. This reflection goes beyond operational efficiency or cost-effectiveness.
What are the risks of excessive digitalisation in such a relationship-driven field?
One of the risks of excessive digitalisation is an over-reliance on new technologies at the expense of human interaction and critical thinking. It is precisely this critical thinking and post-facto control processes that must continue to receive human attention to ensure a high-quality, personalised service for clients. This post-facto work could require more resources than initially estimated.
What advice would you give to young professionals looking to enter the wealth management field?
Stay curious, honest, and authentic: curious about clients’ needs, eager to learn and study to keep evolving and remain relevant. Always ensure that you maintain the passion and enthusiasm for what you do while staying true to yourself and your integrity. This will support you in the long run and lead to success in building relationships. After all, wealth management is fundamentally about strong personal and professional connections.