The findings show that 91% of young Europeans (15 to 21 years old) agree that fighting climate change can improve their health and wellbeing, while nearly the same percentage of all Europeans (88%) say that using more renewable energy and achieving greater energy efficiency are important goals.
Eight in ten Europeans agree that making Europe the first continent to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 is an important goal, along with encouraging the development of the market for low- and zero-emission vehicles.
The same percentage (81%) of Europeans are happy to live in the EU, rising to 89% when the question pertains to their country specifically.
In Luxembourg
In the Grand Duchy, 31% of survey respondents considered the EU’s main asset to be its respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law; 25% said its standard of living; and 22% said the solidarity between member states.
Luxembourg residents also responded that the major challenges facing the EU are social inequality, environmental issues, climate change and migration.
As many as half of respondents in Luxembourg say they are somewhat in favour of the EU but not the way it works today. Nine in ten think that the voices of EU citizens should be more taken into account about the future of Europe, and nearly the same percentage say that there is still a lot to do to strengthen and protect democracy in the EU.
Read the full press release and find the survey .