New release

Paperjam’s private markets 2024 supplement hitting newsstands

Paperjam’s Alternatives and Fund Ecosystem supplement, distributed with Paperjam magazine’s October 2024 issue, is available on newsstands across the grand duchy starting on 25 September 2024. Image: Maison Moderne

Paperjam’s Alternatives and Fund Ecosystem supplement, distributed with Paperjam magazine’s October 2024 issue, is available on newsstands across the grand duchy starting on 25 September 2024. Image: Maison Moderne

Is it tough times or smooth sailing ahead for alternative funds and fund service providers in Luxembourg? Paperjam’s Alternatives and Fund Ecosystem 2024 supplement addresses that question, with a focus on three key areas.

Paperjam’s Alternatives and Fund Ecosystem 2024 supplement features three special sections covering the spectrum of the private market fund landscape.


In the first, Paperjam examines several topics that will be covered during the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry’s Private Assets Conference (25-26 September), from investor protection to genAI apps in private markets. The section includes interviews with Noémi Gémesi at Loyens & Loeff, Séverine Kettels and Raphaël Machet at BNP Paribas, Shaun Lee at State Street and Steven Pringle at GRESB. Plus: Alfi CEO Serge WeylandSerge Weyland shares his take on the importance of partnerships and technology.


The second section tackles themes on the agenda at LPEA Insights (17 October), organised by the Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LPEA), including Eltifs and secondary markets. It includes interviews with Silke BernardSilke Bernard at Linklaters, Aïssata Coulibaly at Deloitte, Claus MansfeldtClaus Mansfeldt at Swancap (and chair of the LPEA) and Rajaa MekouarRajaa Mekouar at Calista. Plus: LPEA CEO Stéphane PeschStéphane Pesch provides his outlook on private market funds in 2025.

Monterey Insight

The fund industry research firm Monterey Insight has conducted research, exclusively for Paperjam, on how frequently investment funds switch service providers. The firm’s analysis of data from 2019 to 2023 yielded an “affinity” score, which Monterey Insight’s Karine Pacary shares with Paperjam readers.

Separate from the study, this section includes comments from Alan DundonAlan Dundon, president of the L3A trade group, on what he thinks makes a great alternative fund service provider.

The supplement is distributed with Paperjam’s October 2024 magazine, which features profiles of 100 #Nextgen leaders in Luxembourg.

Paperjam’s November 2024 edition will be released on 23 October.

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