Now the ninth chancellor of the country since the Second World War, Scholz will head the so-called “Ampel”, or traffic light, coalition consisting of the Social Democrats, the Green party and the FDP (Liberals). The colour of the parties resemble a traffic light. 303 votes went against Scholz, whereas six MPs chose to withhold their vote.
The official handover between Merkel and Scholz will take place on 8 December in the afternoon, though Scholz, as he humorously , already “said yes”.
Similar to Luxembourg’s current government, the new German coalition will be led by the Social Democrats, then the Green party, and the Liberals in last place, whereas in Luxembourg they are at the strongest partner. Among plans in their are the aim of making Germany carbon neutral by 2045, phasing coal out by 2030 and increasing the use of renewable energy by 80% at the same time.
Lowering the voting age from 18 to 16, increasing the minimum wage and legalising the sale of cannabis in licensed premises is also on the majority’s to-do list, as is the implementation of dual citizenship for foreigners living in Germany for over five years.
Angela Merkel, an iconic figure of the European Union, will retire after 31 years in politics.
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