Steve Eastwood (archives)

The British Ladies Club of Luxembourg’s traditional Car Boot Sale “comes of age” this year, according to organisers.

The event celebrates its 21st anniversary and as usual will feature some 120 participants selling everything from books and DVDs to clothing, toys and furniture. The bargain-hunter fest takes place May 25 on the Glacis and also features refreshment stands--bacon sandwiches, cakes and biscuits will be among the treats on offer--and entertainment for kids.

The Car Boot Sale has become a hugely popular event in the international community’s social calendar. Yet the British Ladies Club event is a major fund-raiser, with profits going to the Office Social at the Ville de Luxembourg. “To date, more than €20,000 has been raised by participants”, the BLC has reported.

And there is still time to donate a baked goodie or two to the effort: “No culinary delight, sweet or savoury, is ever refused.”

The event takes place rain or shine this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4p.m. at the Glacis Car Park.

For more information, contact the BLC via email: