Some 450 people have attended a debate on the Grand Duchy’s future, which was organised by the new “” initiative. The programme strives to be an “open and participative platform” to discuss the country’s political, economic and social direction. pour le future has the ambition to challenge public authorities as well as all citizens in a non-partisan debate,” the group has proclaimed. It wants to involve both sexes, young and old, Luxembourgers and non-nationals, residents and commuters, employers and employees, decision makers from business and civil society and representatives from charities and non-profit associations.

Its first public event took place at the forum of the Geesseknäppchen school campus on March 20, when guests including University of Luxembourg rector Rolf Tarrach, NGO representative Nathalie Oberweis, architect Nico Steinmetz, energy specialist Jean Lamesch, Woman Business Manager of the Year Marie-Christine Mariani and panel of young students from the Youth Parliament of Luxembourg and the Association of Luxembourg Student Circles (ACEL) spoke about the challenges they personally consider to be crucial for the future of Luxembourg.

The event was hosted by presenter Gabriel Boisante and Pierre Gramegna, the head of the Chamber of Commerce, and conducted in French and Luxembourgish with simultaneous translation into French and English for the audience.

The initiative’s first event was a success, several attendees said.

More about the launch can be read in the April edition of Delano, published on April 17.

Education, innovation on workshop agenda

The initiative’s second event will be held Saturday (April 13) at the Cercle-Cité in Luxembourg-City centre from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. The workshop will address education, innovation, entrepreneurship, integration and solidarity. Again hosted by host Gabriel Bosianté, guest speakers will include Robert Urbé of Caritas, Thibaut Britz of Trendiction, Claude Muller of CRP Santé, Charles Margue of TNS-Ilres and Rachel Gaessler of the Chamber of Commerce.

Participation is free but advanced registration on the website is required.

A further event is planned for June and the group plans to publish the results of the debates and its idea gathering in the autumn.