Adem has received over 5,000 new job opening postings over March 2022.  Guy Wolff/Maison Moderne

Adem has received over 5,000 new job opening postings over March 2022.  Guy Wolff/Maison Moderne

Unemployment numbers continue to go down while a strong increase in job openings (+46.3%) has been recorded over the past twelve months. At the end of March 2022, 11,991 jobs were advertised.

, decreasing to 4.7% in March--a level that hadn’t been witnessed since the end of 2008, according to the government’s employment agency Adem. Even among long-term jobseekers--who have been unemployed for over 12 months--more have been successful in finding work, with a 23% decrease witnessed over twelve months. The 7,098 registered still represent, however, 48.7% of all 14,576 jobseekers registered in the Adem’s database before April 2022.

IT development remains the most advertised employment opportunity in the grand duchy, according to Adem. 256 such positions were published by employers, followed by 175 accounting jobs, 174 service industry jobs, 170 kitchen positions and 144 financial and accounting audit and control jobs. With the additional 5,263 job openings registered with the employment agency over the month of March, this brings the number of job openings in Luxembourg up to 11,991, and thus a 46.3% increase over the past twelve months. In February 2022, the number of job openings had been around 11,000.

As many Ukrainian refugees make their way to Luxembourg--over 4,000 have already requested the temporary protection status granting them access to the national job market--this represents an opportunity for them. The government last week also announced that refugees of any origin rather than upfront, so as to allow them to find a position equal to their qualifications.

Unemployment is also evenly spread between genders, with 7,351 women and 7,225 men looking for work last month. Over 45s tended to seek jobs more, with 6,365 people in that age bracket, against 2,724 under 30s and 5,487 between the ages of 30 and 44. The number of those employed in Luxembourg has also surpassed the 500,000 threshold for the first time, as Adem notes in its monthly report.