Belgian ambassador Thomas Lambert says a recent visit to the blast furnaces in Belval “was a ‘wow’ experience”.
“As an amateur of photography and industrial architecture, the place also embodies the drive of Luxembourg to move ahead and stay ahead of the curve,” he says. “The campus is impressive because of its combination between industry and innovative learning, past, present and future.”
For Belgian expats, navigating the healthcare system and finding affordable or shorter-term housing are amongst the main challenges.
But there are plenty of bridges between the neighbouring countries, some more light-hearted: “From De Haan to Knokke, Belgians and Luxembourgers alike seem to share a special appreciation or ‘d’Belsch Plage’,” the ambassador says, adding that business pragmatism and self-deprecating humour are other areas he sees as commonalities.
The Belgian National Day is celebrated on 21 July, and 2022 marked the first occasion that the ambassador, who took on the role in September 2020, was able to host a , given the previous restrictions linked to the covid-19 pandemic.