The adoption of cloud computing is becoming widespread and it is impacting various issues, from standards and data protection to non-European solution providers. (Photo: Shutterstock)

The adoption of cloud computing is becoming widespread and it is impacting various issues, from standards and data protection to non-European solution providers. (Photo: Shutterstock)

The backbone of connectivity in Luxembourg, Lu-Cix will be organising its traditional Luxembourg Internet Days, in virtual mode, from 16 to 18 November, focusing on the challenges of the cloud, cybersecurity and the technological future of the financial sector.

The Luxembourg Internet Days have not gone back to taking place in person. Nor even in the "phygital" mode, where those present have the impression that they are lost, and those at a distance that they are missing something. Lu-Cix, the backbone of the internet in Luxembourg, invites everyone at a distance to hear a flock of experts talk about the issues at the forefront of current affairs: the cloud, cybersecurity, HPC and quantum, the technological future of the financial centre, the Internet of things and standards.

On the agenda there will be around fifteen conferences per day lasting around fifteen minutes, with the presence of three ministers: the prime minister, Xavier Bettel (DP), his minister delegate for digitalisation, Marc Hansen (DP), and the minister for the economy, Franz Fayot (LSAP); but also the European commissioner for innovation and research, Mariya Gabriel.

- Mika Lauhde, Huawei's vice-president in charge of international affairs and cybersecurity, will remind Europeans that they are not at the forefront of the cloud race.

- Gauthier Crommelinck, responsible for digital projects and cybersecurity at the ministry of the economy, will talk about the European Gaïa-X initiative.

- Google will be present with Julien Sanchez, its head of digital sovereignty solutions in Europe (on Monday), and Tom Schepers, customer engineer of the Cloud team for Belgium and Luxembourg (on Tuesday). Microsoft, will be represented by Bart Asnot, one of its cybersecurity leaders (on Tuesday), and by David Dab, national technical officer for Belgium and Luxembourg (on Wednesday).

- BCE will come to announce the launch of a 100% Luxembourg cloud, already announced two years ago under the name "itstored".

- Luxembourg's bigwigs will also have their say, whether it be Pascal Bouvry (Meluxina), on the Luxembourg supercomputer and its role in the European HPC network, or Xavier Buck.

The programme is much richer than these few outlines would suggest, depending on the interests of those willing to take attend. You can .

This story was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.