The measure was part of a series of state aids to counter the increasing cost of energy products and rapidly growing inflation. Implemented on 13 April, the discount was--up until this week--meant to be
Extending the measure would cost the government around €11.5m more, a spokesperson for the finance ministry--headed by DP member Yuriko Backes--has confirmed. They also stated that, for the government, it ” to match neighbouring Germany’s discount until the end of August.
Déi Gréng on 21 July stated that it accepted the measure so its other demands would be heard. The other coalition partner, the LSAP, reacted to the news too, saying that while the measure went against its ecological targets, “ it is a quick and uncomplicated way to take some of the burden off citizens who are being hit hard by soaring energy prices.”
This government-issued subsidy took off 7.5c/litre off the price of petrol and diesel at the pump, as well as for heating oil. Various members of the opposition--like the Pirate Party and déi Lénk--have criticised the measure, stating it was going against environmental targets and only benefitted those who were already financially at an advantage. The ADR, however, welcomed the extension.