Claudie Reyland and François Benoy are the lead candidates for the municipal elections of 11 June 2023 in Luxembourg City for déi Gréng. (Photo: Matic Zorman/Maison Moderne)

Claudie Reyland and François Benoy are the lead candidates for the municipal elections of 11 June 2023 in Luxembourg City for déi Gréng. (Photo: Matic Zorman/Maison Moderne)

With less than a year to go before the municipal elections of 11 June 2023, déi Gréng on 4 July presented the two candidates to head up its list in Luxembourg City. François Benoy, current municipal councillor and group leader, will run for the post of mayor.

After  (CSV) announced he would head his party's list in Luxembourg City for the next local elections on 11 June 2023, and Claudie Reyland  (both déi Gréng) announced the start of their campaign. They were supported by two ministers: and  (both also déi Gréng and former deputy mayors of Luxembourg City) and the co-president of the party, .

"The potential to improve our quality of life exists, but the parties in power for decades have done nothing to change things," says Benoy. "We need political courage and vision, which the current DP-CSV coalition does not have.” Déi Gréng proposes to organise soft mobility, with a network of bicycle paths. "We also want to reduce through-traffic, as was done in Limpertsberg, by introducing one-way streets, for example," explains Reyland, who is also currently a city councillor.

Making the city climate neutral in 10 to 20 years

"We also want to set up neighbourhood centres, so that residents have a contact person close to them and a place to meet," continues Benoy. “We want an inclusive, social and sustainable city, where everyone has the same rights and opportunities. We want to develop the supply of affordable and alternative housing."

One of the ambitions carried by déi Gréng Stad Lëtzebuerg is to make the city climate neutral within 10 to 20 years, "through greener urbanism, more energy efficiency and solar energy and a zero waste strategy. It's an ambitious project, but the climate crisis is here and no one can pretend it doesn't exist anymore,” says Benoy.

Targeted facilities for drug addicts

On the thorny topic of security in the capital, the Greens reiterated their willingness to "strengthen the police force, and not to call on private security companies, as the current coalition does. The minister of internal security [ also dei Gréng] has already increased the number of police officers with 20 more at the station, which is a step in the right direction," stated Benoy.

“We are focusing on prevention above all," added Reyland. "The idea is that people should not fall into drugs or homelessness.”

One of the avenues put forward by the Greens is to set up small structures targeted at drug addicts in particular, and spread throughout the city. "Today, there is only one dedicated building, the drug consumption room and the Abrigado night shelter in Bonnevoie, and this is not the right solution. We need to get people off the streets,” the party states.

It should be noted that while the candidates for the CSV and déi Gréng are now known, the suspense remains as to who will be the frontrunner for the DP, which has led the city council for the past foru decades. There are rumours that the current minister for family affairs, , is interested in running as candidate for the post of mayor of Luxembourg City. But Cahen herself has never confirmed this and incumbent mayor, Lydie Polfer, has also not given any hints as to whether she will be seeking a new term--she has been in post since 2013 and was previously mayor between 1981 and 1999.

This story was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.