The financial industry is facing numerous communication challenges: brand positioning on the local and international market, attraction and talent retention, promoting B2B and B2C products and solutions. Head of Marcom need to set adequate marketing and communication strategies.
However, the objectives are different from one company to another.
For example, many players in the banking sector have to implement at the same time strategies for their retail customers and others for their institutional customers and targets. In the first case, showcasing the products and solutions are key. In the second one, expertise and "thought leadership" are central.
This dual audience can be found in the insurance sector. Like the banking sector, insurance addresses a very heterogeneous clientele and must therefore put forward a range of adapted and varied products and solutions.
The investment fund industry, which drives most of the financial activity, is even more complex. Indeed, it involves an ecosystem of local or cross-border multi-service operators in the value chain.
To enable all the players in the financial centre, as well as their service providers, to position themselves in the long term with captive audiences, Maison Moderne has put together a calendar dedicated to the financial centre for 2023, which gives pride of place to the "top of mind" themes of the moment: ESG, digitalisation, alternative funds, cross-border regulations, and tax & legal, to name a few. As a highlight and a 2023 novelty, Maison Moderne is organising the Finance Awards. So many opportunities on the MMMediaplanner 2023 programme to be discovered as of October 19th.
November 2022
Digital > KNOW-HOW / 10.11 / Wealth management
Print > DELANO SUPPLEMENT / 18.11 / Alternative investments
December 2022
Digital > KNOW-HOW / 08.12 / Private equity
Print > PAPERJAM SUPPLEMENT / 14.12 / Regulatory & compliance
Print > PAPERJAM SUPPLEMENT / 14.12 / Wealth management
March 2023
Print > PAPERJAM SUPPLEMENT / 01.03 / Fonds – Ce supplément présente les défis et les opportunités en matière de régulation, cost management, taxonomie, distribution, reporting, investissements durables et ESG. Il interroge sur l’agilité du marché. Ce supplément pointu vise une cible aguerrie et lui donne l’opportunité de faire valoir son expertise.
Digital > KNOW-HOW / 09.03 / Funds
Digital > KNOW-HOW / 20.03 / Managed services & Compliance
Print > DELANO / 24.03 / The stakes Sustainability – In this dossier, CSOs across sectors give their perspectives on the challenges with concrete examples on how to want to link ESG performance to operational plans and financial results.
Print > PAPERJAM SUPPLEMENT / 29.03 / Private banking – Le panorama de ce supplément permet aux gestionnaires de fortune de mettre en valeur leurs offres et aux prestataires de services d’exposer les tendances réglementaires, technologiques et sociétales du moment.
Live > ROUND TABLE / 30.03 / Private banking – With 46,200 millionaires domiciled in Luxembourg, private banking is a rapidly growing sector. Wealth management and optimisation professionals are deploying attractive solutions to serve UHNWIs and HNWIs who are increasingly savvy about finance, sustainability and technology. This round table is an opportunity for wealth managers to showcase their offerings and for service providers to outline current regulatory, technological and social trends.
April 2023
Print > PAPERJAM SUPPLEMENT / 26.04 / Legal, Regulatory & compliance – Face à la multiplication des directives réglementaires internationales (AML 4+5, Mifid 2, AnaCredit, Fatca...), l’expertise des cabinets de conseil, avocats et fiscalistes permet aux acteurs du secteur financier de mieux appréhender l’impact sur les services et investissements financiers, tech et ESG. Ce nouveau supplément Legal, Regulatory & Compliance se veut être un guide à travers l’environnement réglementaire complexe et compliance pour offrir informations et prévisibilité aux CEO, CFO, compliance officers et legal advisors internes.
May 2023
Digital > KNOW-HOW / 04.05 / Wealth management
Live > 10x6 / 16.05 / Alternative investments – Alternative asset management is a globally recognised expertise of the Luxembourg financial markets. These asset classes, which are less liquid than traditional investments, give rise to a diversity of investment vehicles and strategies, which will be discussed at this 10x6.
Print > DELANO / 17.05 / Alternative investments – As investors pump more cash into private market funds, investment firms, service providers and financial advisors need to adapt and innovate. This report reveals the most pressing issues that could push through major changes for Luxembourg’s fund sector.
June 2023
Print > DELANO / 16.06 / Investors’ Guide (B2C) – For funds, banks, tax specialists and trustees, this guide provides an opportunity to highlight different investment solutions. This dossier adresses options for starters and qualified investors. It targets a wide range, from young professionals beginning their path to financial success to high-net-worth families seeking to pass down their wealth.
Print > PAPERJAM / 21.06 / Retail banking – Du banking 4.0 au banking 4.x, les banques viseront à atteindre l’excellence opérationnelle et à fournir une expérience client supérieure. Il leur sera primordial d’explorer et d’investir dans de nouvelles technologies pour rester pertinentes et résilientes pour créer des parcours clients expérientiels, des engagements intelligents et personnalisés. Ce dossier Enjeux met en avant les innovations autour des services bancaires qui seront les précurseurs de l’adoption de nouvelles technologies : la 5G et la finance décentralisée.
September 2023
Print > PAPERJAM SUPPLEMENT / 20.09 / ALFI – Rendez-vous incontournable de la rentrée, la Global Distribution Conference est organisée chaque année par l’ALFI. Elle permet à tous les opérateurs qui servent l’industrie des fonds de se positionner sur l’audit, le conseil, la fiscalité, la régulation, la compliance et les nouvelles technologies. Ce supplément lui est entièrement dédié. Les intervenants et speakers de la conférence reviennent sur les grands enjeux et développements de l’industrie qui seront aux avant-postes de la lutte contre le changement climatique, avec, en toile de fond, l’innovation et la digitalisation comme vecteurs d’adaptation et de changements nécessaires.
Digital > KNOW-HOW / 21.09 / Digital banking
October 2023
Live > ROUND TABLE / 19.10 / Asset management – his round table will focus on the Global Distribution Conference organised every year by Alfi. This is a key event every autumn which allows all operatives in the investment funds industry to situate themselves on audit, advisory, tax, regulation and compliance issues, as well as new technologies. The speakers at this round table will review the major challenges and developments within an industry that will be at the forefront of the fight against climate change. The backdrop is innovation and digitalisation as vehicles for adaptation and change.
Print > PAPERJAM SUPPLEMENT / 25.10 / ESG – Ce supplément ESG met en avant les stratégies des acteurs publics, ePME, multinationales et fonds d’investissement qui intègrent de manière systématique et quotidienne les enjeux du développement durable.
Digital > KNOW-HOW / 26.10 / Pension
November 2023
Print > PAPERJAM SUPPLEMENT / 22.11 / Wealth management – Tax planning, wealth protection, gestion de biens immobiliers et succession, ou encore family governance, ce supplément qui rassemble banques, assureurs et fiscalistes est un guide d’investissement. Il s’adresse à tous ceux qui veulent investir en bourse, en ligne et dans la pierre. Outre les conseils, une grande partie de ce supplément sera consacrée à aider les novices et experts à bien choisir leur assurance-vie.
Digital > KNOW-HOW / 23.11 / Private equity & Real estate funds (PERE)
Live > PAPERJAM + DELANO’S FINANCE AWARDS / 28.11 – A pillar of the Luxembourg economy, the financial centre has developed since the 1950s to become a leading European platform for international financial institutions. This awards ceremony rewards those who were instrumental in the creation of the financial centre, its development, the structuring of its products and/or those who represent it internationally.
December 2023
Print > PAPERJAM SUPPLEMENT / 13.12 / Tax, Accounting & Legal – Reconnu pour son expertise et son cadre réglementaire, ce supplément s’adresse aux auditeurs, fiscalistes et comptables. Ils retrouvent ici une vue d’ensemble des thématiques fortes telles que le développement en matière de TVA, la fiscalité personnelle, le droit du travail, la fiscalité des sociétés, les prix de transfert et l’agenda réglementaire. Ce supplément revient sur les enjeux pour 2024, sur l’agenda fiscal et les services et outils destinés aux entreprises pour faire face à leurs obligations.