Cybersecurity is a key sector for Luxembourg’s future, and the country--and Europe--are in need of top experts. Eurocom and Elite Group Recruitment (along with its brand EliteCyber) are ready to help boost recruitment in this sector.
Step 1. On Tuesday 7 November, announced that his group, Eurocom Networks, had acquired a majority stake in the London-based company Elite Group Recruitment, which was set up in 2015. The acquisition was for an undisclosed sum. The press release noted that the British firm has been generating annual sales of several million euros for several years with a dozen employees, and has achieved an average Ebidta of half a million euros over the last three years. In 2022, it posted sales of €2.7m, compared with €2m a year earlier.
Stage 2. In the second half of November, Elite Group Recruitment’s CEO, Laurent Halimi, will move to Luxembourg.
Stage 3. After taking over the operational management of, ’s IT recruitment startup, Halimi will bring the two entities together in Luxembourg “to revolutionise the recruitment process for cybersecurity experts using artificial intelligence and an algorithm specially developed for this niche, and thus accelerate its growth.” The founder of is expected to accompany the new management team for a few months and to remain a shareholder in his startup.
Stage 4. Early next year, EliteCyber--one of Elite Group Recruitment’s brands--will launch, a recruitment platform that uses AI, and raise new funds from well-informed investors in the marketplace to accelerate its growth. “The launch is scheduled for January. This initiative aims to become the global benchmark for careers in cybersecurity, offering companies rapid and cost-effective recruitment of highly qualified talent with remarkable accuracy,” said Halimi in the press release.
This article was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.