A total of 1,337 victims of domestic violence were reported last year, including 3 deaths. 850 of the victims, and two of the fatalities, were women. 195 of the victims were minors. Minister for interior Taina Bofferding (LSAP) presented the figures in a report on Thursday.
Police responded to a total of 849 reports of domestic violence in 2019, which resulted in 265 perpetrators being expelled from their homes, 34 more than in 2018.
However, reports from the last few months would indicate that confinement had no dramatic impact on the number of reported cases of domestic violence. The monthly average in 2019 showed there were 71 police responses and 22 evictions. In March, police were called out to investigate 91 reports that resulted in 26 evictions. In April, the figures were 73 interventions and 19 evictions, and in May, 79 interventions for 23 evictions.
Laurent Seck from the Luxembourg court district’s public prosecutor’s office said the statistics indicated that more victims seemed to be more at ease in calling the police to intervene in domestic abuse. “Fortunately, the severity of the altercations did not increase,” he said. Most evictions are for aggravated assault.