To qualify for the study, women should be heterosexual, aged 18 to 40Photo: Charles Deluvio/Unsplash 

The body image and sexual functioning study investigates how women perceive and value body and sexually-relevant stimuli to better understand the role of body image and sexual functioning.

“The way we feel about and perceive our physical appearance (body image) is heavily affected by often unreachable beauty ideals that are present in our society. As a consequence women may feel under pressure to be thin and slender,” researcher Agnieszka Czeluscinska-Peczkowska writes. “Many women may, therefore, become increasingly dissatisfied with their body and how they perceive their physical appearnace,” she continues.

The researcher said that current estimates suggest almost four in ten women suffer from body image dissatisfaction, which can negatively impact health and behaviour, for example prompting risky weight loss, eating disorders, increased stress and depression.

To qualify for participation in the study, women should be heterosexual, aged 18 to 40, with or without body image and sexual functioning concerns and be able to speak either English, French or German.

Participants will be asked to attend two appointments: a detailed diagnostic interview when a photo of the full body (without head) in standardized underwear will be taken. For the second appointment, participants will be asked to look at photos of their bodies and of other women’s bodies, at pictures of erotic content and watch an erotic video clip.

Take part

Click here to complete the screening questionnaire. Alternatively, contact the researcher directly via email or by phone: or by calling +352 46 66 44 9365.