In a statement released on Thursday, McKean said that since his arrival in Luxembourg in April 2016, it has been his great privilege and honor to serve president Barack Obama as the 22nd US ambassador to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
"The bonds of friendship between the United States and Luxembourg were forged by the sacrifice of so many young American soldiers more than 70 years ago," the ambassador continued. "Since then, this friendship has been nurtured over time by the steadfast commitment of our two nations. We have worked together on numerous important issues and I’m confident we will do so in the future."
"Over the course of the next two weeks, I will talk more about my time here in Luxembourg. For the moment, however, let me just say that my wife Kathleen and I are profoundly grateful to the people of Luxembourg for their hospitality and for the many deep and abiding friendships we have made during our time here. We have enjoyed every moment of our stay in this beautiful country.”
Delano will carry an in-depth interview with ambassador McKean in its next print edition, published on 10 February.