Learn Luxembourgish, which was founded by Liz Wenger, a Luxembourger living in Canada, announced on Tuesday that it had gained ministerial accreditation for its live Skype courses aimed at English speakers.
The courses span A1 (beginners level) with eight lessons and 12 lessons in A1, A2.1, and A2.2 conversation. Courses can be combined to reach the 24-hour requirement for eligibility to take the Luxembourg nationality. The lessons can be taken groups of two to five students, or in a one-to-one setting with the teacher.
Starting 1 April, 2017, the procedure for gaining Luxembourg nationality changed. Under the new law, residents of 20 or more years would not need to take a test, but only attend 24 hours of language classes. The minimum residency threshold for gaining nationality was meanwhile lowered from seven to five years.
An education ministry spokesperson told Delano on Tuesday that there are a number of other accredited language courses for nationality applicants resident for 20+ years at public schools, associations and local authorities. The full list can be seen in the pdf below. Furthermore, ten private language schools have the specific accreditation. The ministry did not provide information on the names of these schools citing “data protection issues”.