Figures published by Eurostat, show that 47.4% of working adults in Luxembourg participated in training related to a professional activity, behind the Netherlands (60.6%), Sweden (58.6%) and Finland (58.3%).
Across the EU, the average was 30% of staff in training. In almost all member states, women were more likely than men to do job-related training.
This was not, however, the case in Luxembourg where 44% of women and 49% of men did job-related training. On average within the EU, the rate of participation in training was highest for employees who had a higher education qualification (46%), and even more so in Luxembourg (63%).
Among workers who completed their education after secondary, 28% across the EU did training, compared with 43% in Luxembourg. People who left school before 18 showed the lowest participation rates in job-related training, equivalent to 16% in the EU and 19% in Luxembourg, the report found.
The most commonly cited reason for not doing training was lack of time, while lack of interest, lack of training provided by the employer and other reasons were also given.