In essence, this means that the four general hospitals in the grand duchy (CHL, CHdN, Chem and the Robert Schuman Hospitals) are supposed to postpone all surgical procedures that do not endanger the patient’s life. “But all operations that need to be carried out urgently, due to issues unrelated to covid-19, remain, of course, scheduled,” Junck confirmed.
The first objective of this new phase is to clear beds and allow health care professionals to care for patients infected with the novel virus. It is now up to each hospital to take the appropriate measures in relation to the new scenario.
Phase 4 also means that the Grand-Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (CGDIS) is now coordinating the centralised dispatching of patients. The CGDIS has an overview of the number of beds available in each hospital and can therefore ensure efficient distribution of patients.
According to the daily report publushed by the health ministry on Wednesday afternoon, 247 patients were being treated in hospital facilities around the country on Tuesday (48 in intensive care, 199 in normal care).
This article was originally published in French on and translated and edited for Delano.