Earlier on Wednesday the Luxembourg prosecution office stated the link between the death of the woman in hospital on the night of 9-10 April and her vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine two weeks earlier could not be immediately dismissed. The investigating judge had ordered an autopsy which was carried out the same day on 13 April, the results of which the health directorate and judicial authorities are waiting for.
The ministry confirmed the individual had the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine on 23 March.
This will certainly fuel even more the fears of some towards the vaccine by AstraZeneca.
According to the attending physician, it was a suspicious death, per the Luxembourg prosecutor's office communiqué. In the physician’s opinion, “a relationship between the death of this person and her vaccination with the Astra Zeneca vaccine against Covid- 19, two weeks earlier, could not be excluded”.
Those responsible for pharmacovigilance in collaboration with the Lorraine regional pharmacovigilance centre in Nancy are not concerned with the investigation duties. “When the time comes, the Health Department will be informed. In the current state of the proceedings and as long as all the elements of the investigation are not gathered, any premature conclusion would amount to speculation," concludes the prosecution.