It will also be a chance for Highside to compete to win a USD $1m investment prize.
Now 25-strong, Highside provides a secure, end-to-end platform to help businesses reduce risk linked to cybercrime and data breaches.
During a Q&A session, Aaron Turner (holding trophy in photo above), Highside president and chief security since 2019, explained that the solution can be embedded into other businesses’ systems to help make those better and also allows users to make more choice when it comes to their own security.
Turner, who originally hails from Idaho (US), explained that he met the Technoport “by chance” but ended up picking up himself and his family to make the move to Luxembourg because he saw there was an “ecosystem with a focus built on privacy”, given that the country has been known for this already as a financial centre, and it’s “a country that wants to be a leader moving forward to protect people’s interest.”
It has been an interesting career for Turner as well. He said he was “fortunate to be in the right place at the right time, to look at how technology could be done”. His first “big break” was when he started working with Microsoft just before the turn of the millennium, where he helped launch security initiatives. That helped lead to him eventually launching a mobile payment startup in 2008, which he later sold, and then in 2015 he developed an ATM security startup, which he also sold.
But for Turner, Highside goes beyond just being a cybersecurity solution.
“Essentially what we’re trying to do is restore trust,” he said. “To build a system that makes it so people can actually trust each other.”