Dupont Teijin Films was bought by chemist Indorama Ventures, the Bangkok-based company announced in a statement on 10 October, further adding that the transaction could be effective by the end of 2017 or early 2018.
The joint venture between Dupont de Nemours and the Japanese Teijin, Dupont Teijin Films is known worldwide for its Mylar synthetic films, which have been produced since 1965 in the Luxembourg factory. But the industrial site of Contern also produces Tyvek, a product that will remain under the ownership of Dupont de Nemours.
The sale is not the only change expected to impact the company’s Luxembourg operations. The merger between Dupont de Nemours and Dow, registered at the end of August, plans to divide the new group into three independent companies. One will specialise in agriculture, another in “performance materials” and one in specialty products.
“Two of these companies will be here. The site will become a kind of industrial park. One will deal with the ‘performance materials’, therefore Tyvek and Typar, and the other ‘specialty products’, therefore Hytrel and Mylar”, Luxembourg site director Paul Meyers, director of the Luxembourg site told Paperjam in an interview in January.