Romain Gamba

The two discussed the latest changes to teleworking in Luxembourg after parliament ruled out making it a right during a debate. Union the OGBL continues to push for a higher and more consistent threshold for the number of days for crossborder teleworkers to work from home--it wants to raise the bar to 55 days for all three neighbouring countries.

Meanwhile, an agreement regulating home working conditions was updated, offering greater clarity and support for teleworkers. And in early 2021, the government is expected to draft a law on the right to disconnect.

Natasha and Jess discussed the Google Data Center, which Bissen commune greenlighted on Thursday. The €1.2 billion project planned for a 34-hectare site has already been two years in the making and has faced some opposition for environmental reasons. Bissen mayor David Viaggi said some concerns had been taken on board, such as the building's height.

And the news part of the round-up ended with a chat about contact tracing apps: why Luxembourg doesn't haven one, progress made on the effectiveness and privacy of the most promising apps being developed and how such an app could complement manual efforts.


23-25 : Last weekend of the Cineast film festival.

24-25 October: Remich medieval market.

24 October: Percussionist Pascal Schumacher performs Sol, at the Philharmonie at 8pm.

Tuesday 27 October: British Chamber of Commerce, webinar conversation with Gordon Brown, at 1pm.

29-30 October: “Sopro”, or “Blow”, a production from Portugal’s national theatre, performed at the Grand Theatre. This play examines the importance of theatre as a living art. It’s performed in Portuguese with surtitles in French and in English.

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Connecting” is broadcast every Friday after the 6pm news on radio 100,7. Catch the next Delano segment on the 100,7 airwaves on 2 October. Listen live by tuning in to 100.7 FM in Luxembourg or via livestream, or catch the programme replayed as a podcast available Fridays on