The new platform went live on 2 January. Photo: Romain Gamba / Maison Moderne

The new platform went live on 2 January. Photo: Romain Gamba / Maison Moderne

The CSSF announced on 2 January the availability of the eDesk module for cross-border marketing notifications and de-notifications for Luxembourg-domiciled Ucits. This development follows the CSSF’s communiqués from 15 November and 13 December.

The supervised entities affected by this update include Ucits that, in accordance with chapter 6 of the 2010 law, aim to market their shares in another member state of the European Union or de-notify arrangements related to the marketing of their shares in another EU member state.

Starting 2 January 2024, according to a press release from Luxembourg’s financial regulator the CSSF, these entities are required to submit notification and de-notification files to the CSSF either directly through the eDesk Portal or using the CSSF’s API solution. Subsequent monitoring of these procedures will be exclusively conducted through the eDesk Portal. It’s important to note that Circulars CSSF 11/509 and CSSF 21/778 have been repealed with the introduction of these new methods.

Supervised entities with inquiries are advised by the CSSF to consult the comprehensive user guide--titled “Guidelines on Cross-Border Marketing Notification and De-notification Procedures”--published in 2022 for detailed instructions and additional information.

For inquiries or assistance, the CSSF help desk can be contacted via email at