It took 20 years of talk and three negotiations, but a collective agreement has been reached for the contract catering sector. Fedil Catering, the OGBL and the LCGB signed the agreement--the first of its kind--last week. It goes into effect on 1 May 2024 and will remain valid for three years (i.e., until 30 April 2027).
The agreement offers new advantages for the sector, which employs some 3,000 in Luxembourg, including:
—linear monthly pay increases for all employees earning a gross monthly salary between the minimum social wage (SSM) for unskilled employees and the minimum social wage for skilled employees
—an adjustment to salaries between the SSM for unskilled workers and the SSM for skilled workers when the Luxembourg government decides to adjust the SSM for unskilled workers
—an additional day’s leave for employees with ten years’ seniority
—the possibility of an annual reference period for working time for employees working in structures affected by Luxembourg school holidays
—free meals from the moment work begins
—70% extra pay for work on Sundays and 100% extra pay for work on public holidays
—clear rules for the transfer of employees employment contracts
This article in Paperjam. It has been translated and edited for Delano.