The EU countries in 2019 had to submit a national energy and climate plan to the European Commission, setting out how they plan to achieve the bloc’s goal to reduce carbon emissions by 55% by 2030 and become carbon neutral by 2050.
It’s mandatory under the EU strategy for each member county to submit an updated version of the plan to the commission by 30 June this year.
To kick off the week, Cordula and Tom also talked about some upcoming events, including a concert by British jazz pianist at the Philharmonie on 19 April, an to discover Luxembourg institutions like the parliament and different ministries on 22 April, and a with writer and filmmaker Juliet Jacques at Mudam on transgender lives and representation, also on 22 April.
Finally, Cordula’s pick of the week was , a book by anthropologist and archaeologist Dan Hicks who is a curator at the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford. The museum houses several Benin bronzes, artefacts that were looted during the 1897 sacking of Benin City by the British.
Hicks makes a compelling argument for restitution and examines the role of museums in perpetrating unfinished acts of colonialist violence in the present day.
Tune in again on Monday 24 April around 8.30am on (87.8 - 102.9 -105.2 FM) or listen to the podcast on Delano.