A new page is being turned for the Bilia-Emond group, which is moving into its new dealership at the Cloche d'Or on Monday 10 October. The showroom and workshop for the BMW and Mini brands, previously located on the route de Thionville, have taken up residence at 7 rue Christophe Plantin.
With a surface area of 24,500m2, the building represents an investment of €55m for the group. Construction began in the summer of 2020 and the topping-out ceremony, marking the end of significant structural work, was celebrated a year later.
According to Statec figures, Bilia-Emond employs 140 people. The group, which was formed in 2016 following the takeover of the Emond dealership by the Swedish company Bilia, is also present in the Belgian cities of Arlon and Libramont.
This story was first published in French on Paperjam. It has been translated and edited for Delano.