Delano’s 100 finance sector movers & shakers issue features profiles of 100 top influencers, plus lists of key names-to-know in several industry segments. The profiles and segment lists are being republished online; check out the links below. Image: Maison Moderne

Delano’s 100 finance sector movers & shakers issue features profiles of 100 top influencers, plus lists of key names-to-know in several industry segments. The profiles and segment lists are being republished online; check out the links below. Image: Maison Moderne

Delano presents profiles of 100 of the most influential decision makers in Luxembourg’s financial sector.

Delano’s Autumn 2023 magazine featured 100 financial industry heavyweights.

This was a subjective selection--not a ranking--of top private sector executives, based on the Delano team’s assessment (see below for the criteria we used). Not everyone will agree with our choices.

We are republishing the 100 profiles on our site, plus segment breakout lists of more key players in the field. Executives are listed in alphabetical order, by family name.

More profiles will be published over the coming days. Check back on this page or keep an eye out for them in Delano’s daily newsletter.

See full listings in print edition


We set out to identify the leading personalities in the grand duchy’s financial centre.

First we scanned our address books, media archives, regulator databases of authorised entities and member lists of reputable trade associations. We then screened for executives with very senior titles that served as a proxy of influence, namely board chair, CEO, managing director, managing partner, conducting officer, and practice and unit head. We additionally considered executives voted to selected industry group boards and committees by their peers. Standout executives with other titles, prominent in their segment or who have made a noticeable impact or impression, qualified at the discretion of the Delano team.

Six very broad sectors (banking, capital markets and infrastructure, fintech, funds, insurance and professional services) were given a weighting based on a combination of added-value GDP, employment figures, and our perception of its image and importance to the national economy and Luxembourg’s international reputation. Depending on the sector’s weighing, only one or two executives per company could be included in the list of 100. (More influential decision-makers, that were not included in the 100, are listed by segment in this edition.)

Then the internal horse-trading began.

The list is geared towards private sector companies with a larger footprint in the grand duchy by a quantifiable measure, e.g., assets under management or headcount, although size was not the sole factor taken into consideration. Perceived influence and reputation count. Elected officials, leaders of public institutions, civil servants, and association staff and lobbyists were excluded (however some are cited in our segment breakout lists).

The 100 finance movers & shakers 2023 edition was researched and written by , , , , Jeff Palms and Yusuf Yassin.

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